
Showing posts from April, 2018

Digital Resources in the Classroom

OK, let's be honest most students love learning using technolog y. As soon as you mention an activity that involves the use of a laptop or an iPad, their interest multiplies by 100%. This is one of the reasons why I am always searching the web for new programs and websites that will intrigue their curiosity and help them to explore a concept further.  Once you have planted the seed and curiosity is activated , they are like little sponges waiting to soak up all they can discover! It is important to continue to scaffold their learning by asking the why questions . "Why do you think they need that? Why does it work that way?" I remember very clearly when my son was a toddler, every time I explained something to him, his response would be an instinctual "But why?" I found myself giving explanation after explanation but still getting the same response, "But why?" I now know that this was his innate curiosity about the world he lived in and a way for h